
Kamis, 13 Desember 2012


You will need: 
  • Bottle
  • Vinegar
  • Soda Cake
  • Funnel
  • Balloon
  • Water

All you have to do is: 
  • Pour vinegar into the water with the same ratio (¼ bottle filled with vinegar, and ¼ bottle filled with water). 
  • Put baking soda into the balloon using the funnel. Fill to about half part of the balloon

  • Spread apart the mouth of the balloon, and put into the mouth of the bottle. Make sure the balloon is attached tightly to the bottle's mouth. Let the balloon that contains baking soda is hung so that no baking soda into the bottle.
  • Hold the balloon that hung down and lift the balloon so that the baking soda falls into the bottle.

What happened?

When baking soda and vinegar mixed with water, it will generate a lot of air bubbles. Air bubbles are the gas produced from mixing baking soda, vinegar, and water. The gas called carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Well, this gas into the balloon so the balloon can be ballooned without blown.

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